How To Multiply Your Time

10 March 2020 | Confirmation: there are more than 24 hours in a day 😊. Rory Vaden tells you how to multiply your time.

  • Time management is emotional.
  • Time management is self-management.
  • Purpose of time management: (a) do thing faster, and/or (b) do more things
  • Multiply your time: You multiply your time by giving yourself the emotional permission to spend time on things today that will give you more time tomorrow.

Focus funnel:

  1. Can I eliminate this? (Not do this thing)
  2. Can I automate this (save more time for tomorrow)
  3. Can the thing be delegated? (give the work to others)
  4. Should I do this now or later? If you decide to do this later then go to the first question.


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